Parables, psalms and proverbs to edify the body of Christ
For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them. Romans 12:4-6
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all. 1 Corinthians 12:7
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12
This publication is collected in obedience to these scriptures, with the understanding that the anointed writings of men and women of God are one of the gifts which we are to use; one of the manifestation given for the profit of all; one of the ministries given for the edifying of the body of Christ. These writings, insofar as they are guided by the Holy Spirit, are given by God with the intention that they be shared with the body at large for benefit and exhortation of many. Those who first receive and author them are not the end recipient, but are the Kingdom couriers entrusted with the very heart of God.
I encourage you to read Holy Exhortation slowly and prayerfully. Open your heart to the voice of God as you read, and let Him speak in the margins and between the pages. His words are of ultimate value, and this publication possesses value only insofar as He speaks to you through it.
Confidence in You
By Ethan Ferris
Jesus, I will have confidence in you
Be still, my soul, and know His peace
All is tended, all is finished
God, You lay Your Holy Spirit on me as a mantle
I am washed and pure in your sight
You are upon me and within me
You shall not condemn me
You have raised me up, great wealth You have given me
Bless You, O’ LORD
I am secure in You
Humble Strength
By Ethan Ferris
The movement of Your power, God
Is like no other
Never have I seen a man
Exercise his strength as You do
You are shameless, guiltless
Pure and just, and fully aware of it
Your lowliness is seen in Your honesty
For there is no false humility in You
Beginning and end, highest
Yet willing to go lower than any other
You are merciful, prudent in dispensation
Yet unreserved when You move
Indecision You have never known
As you rise, I am in awe
For I know Your way is already made
The moment You speak, it is done.
An Interpretation of Romans 8:1-6
By Ethan Ferris
In light of our inability to defeat sin ourselves, we who have chosen to submit our battle to Christ shall not be condemned. The way the Spirit does battle for us and within us not only sets us free from sin, but also from our sinful ways of fighting sin - that is, to fight without Him.
God can and does and has done what we cannot. By standing in our place, He forever robbed sin of its once-just demand for our lives. He did this so that the intention of our self-waged war might actually come to pass if we let Him wage it instead.
Now as He claims victory within us, our mind is no longer thinking about sin and thus making us sin, but it thinks about Him and thus we begin to look like Him. This is because if our minds are meditating on sin, we invite sin, become sin, separate from God, and we die. But as we meditate on Him, we invite Him, become like Him, and join with God in life itself.
A Psalm of the Morning
By Jesse Arsenault
There are two wonders that impart great shalom (peace),
before I sleep and when I rise.
Your mercies are new every morning.
Indeed, they are like a gentle breeze.
They are like the sun,
just rising to kiss the quiet field at dawn.
Stop, Pause, Reflect & Ponder…
And oh how You grant me great favor with others,
as quickly as the twinkle in your loving eyes,
as suddenly as the wind can change direction.
Your countenance of kindness is so easily transferred.
Yes, even our enemies nod in honor as we walk in Your ways.
Scripture references:
- Romans 8:38-39
- Proverbs 21:1
- Proverbs 16:7
A Prayer for Selflessness
By Ethan Ferris
God, I declare that it is not my responsibility to tend to my own needs. As I give of myself to others as You do, with no regard for myself, You will provide everything I need. You will satisfy my every desire.
God, please make me more selfless. Help me to focus entirely on others and on You. Cast selfishness and self-sufficiency out of me. Give me considerations for others, and a heart to love them, give to them, and serve them. God, put an end to my selfish habits. Not for my sake, but for Yours and for the sake of those You have entrusted to me.
Help me to love my neighbor.
A Prayer of Contemplation
By Ethan Ferris
God, faithful provider, I will not take upon myself concerns that are beyond me. Help me to narrow my mind and reject contemplations out of my control or understanding.
By Ethan Ferris
“When a word is released, I am not giving you a set of ‘to-dos’. I am offering you the grace to live according to My Word.” (For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift, so that you may be established. Romans 1:11)
Conviction means knowing what is right without consideration of how it affects you.
He who gives honor is more honorable (able to honor) than he who receives.
“I do not want you to be grateful for My promises because of what they are, but because of who I am, and that it was I who gave them to you.”
By Ethan Ferris
I have not accepted Your love, Father. Not fully. I’m sorry.
You didn’t give Your love in pieces - You put it all on the table at once. And I picked out the bits I didn’t like and took the rest.
You’ve offered healing for my additions – the balm of truth that could mend my heart. Yet I’ve turned You down again and again. I’ve wanted it – loved the addiction – more than I’ve loved You.
I’ve hurt You. I’ve been unfaithful. I’ve loved another after entering covenant with You. And moreover, I’ve used Your name to flagellate myself while denying the healing You offered.
I’m sorry.
I’ve been cruel to You, Father. Selfish. I’ve shut You out of my heart and pushed You away. I’ve disappointed You. I’ve wandered off the good path You painstakingly made for me. I’ve been ungrateful.
Yet if I just made this about my sins, I’d only be adding to them. You don’t want to be reminded of transgressions You’ve already forgiven.
You want to be loved. You want to love me. You want me to know the truth. You want repentance. You want obedience. You want to be glorified.
I love You, Father. I love you, Jesus. Not for what You do. Just for Your presence at my side. I long for You - miss You when I stray. And even at Your side, I want to love you more; better. To grow closer to You. It seems foolish to ask for help as part of an apology, but please Lord – Father – help me love You better.
Help me to know and accept the love You have for me. Help it take root in my heart and change me into the man You see.
You have woven the healing into my heart. The truth will set me free. Now, please, help me see it.
What is the truth, Father?
I’ve compared myself to other people I see on the trail - the dare-devils and faster-livers. The stronger, the bolder, the ‘happier’. The worldly and compromised with their fine cities and greener grasses. I’ve gazed at the unchosen and desired it.
I’ve looked at another life through a window with envy, not realizing that what I needed wasn’t to break the window, but to turn back to the room I’m already in.
I’ve striven. I’ve been envious. I’ve chosen passivity and avoidance. I’ve looked over the ledge beside me to build fear of the path ahead of me. I’ve traded Your glory for worldly pleasures and riches. I’ve been unfaithful. I’ve accepted low-living. I’ve believed a lie.
And I don’t believe lies anymore.
I believe in the Truth.
For You have shown me.
Father, this unfaithfulness ends now. I give it all up to You. I shall never see more of what I have walked away from and renounced, and I shall yearn for it no more. I will not be tempted, deceived, or led astray anymore. I will stand where You have made a place for me - above the world, in You.
Yet not by my power, but by Yours.
You have commanded, and I shall obey.
All the glory is Yours, God.
I repent.
Seated in the Heavenlies
By Jesse Arsenault
Your peace is a wonder.
It slows me down, yet lifts me up.
I can see clearly.
This truth is so pleasant.
I don't have to work for the seat I'm already sitting in.
Your pleasures are flowing from my inner being.
This river is strong yet slow, gentle and consistent.
You are bringing life to every room.
Scripture references:
- Philipians 4:6
- Ephesians 2:6
- John 7:38
- Psalm 16:11
As You Walk
By Ethan Ferris
“As you walk My path for you, do not think. Do not look forward or back, to the left or the right. Do not cling to the sanctuaries of men. Do not be impatient or slothful. Do not be fearful nor confident in yourself.
“Keep your eyes firmly on Me. Look around only from a place of rest. Cling to Me, your thoughts only on the next step as I describe it. Walk as I open the path and stop as I close it. Know that I am holding you close.”
The intention of this publication is to provide an opportunity to obey the commission of God in Romans 12:4-6, 1 Corinthians 12:7 and Ephesians 4:11. Further, it is not to do this just for me, but for many to whom God has entrusted fragments of His divine creativity. Any person may submit material to be potentially published in Holy Exhortation with full credit.
Submissions may be made by email to
An important point about submissions; I will make the final, prayerful decision about what is published. Not everything that is submitted will be published, but everything that is submitted will be prayerfully considered for publication.
If I do decide to publish a piece, be it my own or someone else’s, it is not a final judgment on that piece as ‘good’ or ‘from God’. It merely states that when I inquired of God as to whether He wished it to be published at this time and in this manner, I believe to have heard Him say, ‘Yes.’
Similarly, if I decide not to publish a piece, it is not a final judgment on that piece as ‘bad’ or ‘not from God’. It merely states that when I inquired of God as to whether He wished it to be published at this time and in this manner, I believe to have heard Him say, ‘No.’
With that said, I look forward to reading what God has inspired in you, and I pray that you have been edified by this volume. May you be filled with the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Chris.
Ethan B. Ferris
“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.”
Ezekiel 22:30