Parables, psalms and proverbs to edify the body of Christ
For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them. Romans 12:4-6
But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all. 1 Corinthians 12:7
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12
This publication is collected in obedience to these scriptures, with the understanding that the anointed writings of men and women of God are one of the gifts which we are to use; one of the manifestation given for the profit of all; one of the ministries given for the edifying of the body of Christ. These writings, insofar as they are guided by the Holy Spirit, are given by God with the intention that they be shared with the body at large for benefit and exhortation of many. Those who first receive and author them are not the end recipient, but are the Kingdom couriers entrusted with the very heart of God.
I encourage you to read Holy Exhortation slowly and prayerfully. Open your heart to the voice of God as you read, and let Him speak in the margins and between the pages. His words are of ultimate value, and this publication possesses value only insofar as He speaks to you through it.
God, My Confidence
By Jesse Arsenault
Father God, you've led me with tact into maturity.
You have changed me
and raised me up to a high place
Yet I could slip at any time
Your grace alone upholds me
Your steady hand keeps me from slipping
Let me settle into your heart as You sit on Your throne.
Father, You are beside me on the left
Spirit You surround me
Jesus You hide me in Your calm confidence
Scripture References:
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” Psalm 110:1
A Testimony of Deliverance
By Ethan Ferris
Before I knew Christ, I believed the lie that healing is self-generated. I participated in methods of ‘healing’ that can only be described as witchcraft – manipulation of my own body through will and ritual, in rebellion to divine order.
While I ceased to practice these methods after being saved (for I no longer needed them), the lie from which they flowed remained. A spirit continued to influence me, subtly turning my actions and my prayers towards will-generated self-effort.
Though the external expression was gone, the internal rebellion remained.
I dreamed one night, during this time, of a faceless, smartly dressed man approaching me and handing me a tablet. I took it, and on it I saw myself, with all my traits and functions organized into columns of neat data. I knew that with this tablet, I could change any of the numbers and make myself whatever I wanted to be.
In the dream, I initially accepted the tablet with excitement, but another man – my spirit man – rose up within me with righteous anger and rejected the temptation.
I did not understand until later, when God brought deliverance.
Gathered with my brothers one night, I listened as they told testimonies of what witchcraft really looks like in today’s culture. I saw the similarities to what I had practiced in the past and began to be amazed at how something I had thought of as inane and meaningless was deeply rooted in rebellion against God.
Considering this, I looked within, wondering if anything unclean lingered in my heart from these practices that I had only walked away from, but not truly repented of. I found there an influence that was cold and evil, reaching out to strangle me with rage. My body broke out in a cold sweat, and as I considered speaking up and asking for prayer, my chest tightened and my throat began to close.
Most terrifying of all, though, was that I could not sense the presence of the Lord.
By the grace of God I spoke and asked my brothers for help. They stood me up and began to pray. My body calmed and I could breathe again, and in my relief, I relaxed and allowed myself to fall. However, this was only the unclean spirit attempting to hide. Praise God that He gave another man in the room discernment to see through the deception.
Wearing the authority of Christ, my brother stood me up and commanded the unclean spirit to leave.
As this was happening, my spiritual leaders, who had not been present, dreamed that I was under attack from a spirit of witchcraft. The next morning, knowing nothing of what had occurred, they reached out to confirm the word of the Lord and pray for me, only to find that God had dealt with the situation.
In the aftermath of this deliverance, my prayer life was forever changed. Submission in prayer became possible as my mind cleared of my personal desires and I was able to focus on God’s will instead of my own.
Do Not Let Me Go Astray
By Ethan Ferris
In the quiet, I hear You
In the darkness, I see You
In my fasting, You fill me
In my blindness, You guide me by touch
For in my numbness, I feel You
As the world I have leaned on collapses and blows away
I find You holding me firm
You have woven my heart into Yours
So I may always find strength in Your infinite power
I weep, mourn and cry out
And I see Your face, smiling, laughing, joyful and glowing
How wonderful it is to follow You
How perfect is Your leadership
When I see You going out before me
How can I do any less than follow closely?
And I know You love to have me at Your side even more than I love to follow You
I pray I walk with You for all my days and more
Search my heart, Lord, and straighten my path
Tie my heart to Yours so when I falter, I am pulled back to You
Do not let me go astray
The Implanted Word
By Jesse Arsenault
There are two wonders that impart great shalom (peace),
before I sleep and when I rise.
Your mercies are new every morning.
Indeed, they are like a gentle breeze.
They are like the sun,
just rising to kiss the quiet field at dawn.
Stop, Pause, Reflect & Ponder…
And oh how You grant me great favor with others,
as quickly as the twinkle in your loving eyes,
as suddenly as the wind can change direction.
Your countenance of kindness is so easily transferred.
Yes, even our enemies nod in honor as we walk in Your ways.
Scripture References:
For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39
The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes. Proverbs 21:1
When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7
His Sons
By Ethan Ferris
Who is man
That You should honor him?
Who am I
To know Your ways?
Lord, I will bless those You have blessed
I will submit to those You have set above me
I will honor those You have anointed
I will trust Your judgments and purposes
You are my King
You set Your princes as regents above the earth
Your armies answer their call
Your seal is upon their commands
They distribute Your blessings according to Your will
They glorify You, carrying Your banner into battle
How beautiful are those who wield Your sword in righteousness
Those conquered conquerors who take up dominion
This Kingdom is Yours forever and alone
Your authority echoes in my ears
I hear You asking, my King,
“What have you done with My sons?”
Father of My Lineage
By Ethan Ferris
God, you are the Father of my lineage
All generations are in You
Unto the fallen, You birth a redeemer
Unto the harlot, You betroth Your Son
I wonder what miracles You performed
With Your mighty hand
Through generations of strife
That I might live today
What are You doing today, God,
To make a place for tomorrow’s redeemer?
Man hoards his blood and lords purity over the impure
But You labor that Your lineage might invade all others
How many of my fathers are with You now?
How many of my mothers prayed for me?
How many of Your sons shed blood for them?
How many of Your daughters gave their lives?
The blood of sacrifice is pure
And Yours, most precious of all
Have Your just reward, Jesus
And so bless my line, yesterday, today and tomorrow!
Heavenly Friend
By Jesse Arsenault
I see now Lord, that I've accidentally been selfish in our relationship
You've always accepted my love, no matter how small.
I love You so much.
I feel Your hiddenness, I feel Your invitation.
I will go about my business with You, doing the task at hand with focus and sensitivity to Your Spirit
I. Lay. Down. Ambition.
Faithful Bride
By Ethan Ferris
“Do not attempt to escape the world with the world. Come running to the arms of the Bridegroom instead.
“If you are abused, do you seek solace in the arms of your abuser? No. You would only consent to further abuse for a moment of rest now.
“Come instead to your good lover – for I desire so deeply to be the covering you wear in times of need. If your lover went to old partners in times of need, would you not be saddened? Would you not consider it unfaithfulness? ‘Why are you married to me and not them?’ you may wonder.
“Come to Me for rest. Be faithful to your Bridegroom, just as I am faithful to you.”
Follow the Love
By Jesse Arsenault
I hear You calling me deeper into Love.
Today, I set my gaze gaze upon Your patience.
I also choose patience by Your empowering grace.
The Lord Responds:
Patience...eager waiting with stillness and steadiness of heart.
The stillness and steadiness is firmed from a place of "their sake".
Not a personal desire or preference.
Handling human hearts is sacred work, and to be valued well above material or favored circumstances.
Go Joyfully
By Ethan Ferris
Lord, I find great in joy in loving You
Our relationship is the most fun part of my life
You make my heart sing
My soul dances as I walk with You
Sometimes the challenges and trials feel weighty
And I forget the joy of Your ways
I’m sorry for when I’ve dishonored your love and hard work
With reluctance, whining and bitterness
For when I have spoken of Your commissions and gifts
As unwelcome and weighty burdens
How saddened I would be
If gifts I gave in love
Were spoken of thus
Jesus, my sorrows with You are greater than my dead pleasures in the world
I love to walk with You
I will praise You in my overwhelm
I will be the cheerful giver who pleases Your heart
Not only shall I go with You, Lord
I will go joyfully
Light and Easy
By Jesse Arsenault
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
All I can say is, "I just love You Lord."
When I'm exhausted and weak, I feel so tender toward You.
I don't know how You do it, but You make problems feel so small, and much activity feel so light.
To My Soul
By Ethan Ferris
Father, Your lavish love conquers me
You are not threatened by my imperfections
You are patient, enduring, unwavering
Be rooted in this, my soul
What claim to truth does fear have in the face of all my Dad’s love and power?
Be confident, be bold
All is tended, all is well
The promise is written in my Savior’s blood
The seal on my heart is the person of my God, with me to confirm His word
He does not speak lightly, His words are not idle
Be generous, my soul, be grateful
Let me tell you what gift He desires to celebrate Him
The sight of His son, standing shamelessly
In worship, in word, in prayer
Release your holds, my soul
In the mighty name of Jesus
Open the way for the waters of life
Hold nothing back
Let us give our Father a worthy gift this day
The intention of this publication is to provide an opportunity to obey the commission of God in Romans 12:4-6, 1 Corinthians 12:7 and Ephesians 4:11. Further, it is not to do this just for me, but for many to whom God has entrusted fragments of His divine creativity. Any person may submit material to be potentially published in Holy Exhortation with full credit.
Submissions may be made by email to
An important point about submissions; I will make the final, prayerful decision about what is published. Not everything that is submitted will be published, but everything that is submitted will be prayerfully considered for publication.
If I do decide to publish a piece, be it my own or someone else’s, it is not a final judgment on that piece as ‘good’ or ‘from God’. It merely states that when I inquired of God as to whether He wished it to be published at this time and in this manner, I believe to have heard Him say, ‘Yes.’
Similarly, if I decide not to publish a piece, it is not a final judgment on that piece as ‘bad’ or ‘not from God’. It merely states that when I inquired of God as to whether He wished it to be published at this time and in this manner, I believe to have heard Him say, ‘No.’
With that said, I look forward to reading what God has inspired in you, and I pray that you have been edified by this volume. May you be filled with the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Chris.
Ethan B. Ferris
Better is a little with righteousness,
Than vast revenues without justice.
Proverbs 16:8