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Holy Exhortation V

Ethan Ferris

Parables, psalms and proverbs to edify the body of Christ


For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them. Romans 12:4-6

But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all. 1 Corinthians 12:7

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12

This publication is collected in obedience to these scriptures, with the understanding that the anointed writings of men and women of God are one of the gifts which we are to use; one of the manifestation given for the profit of all; one of the ministries given for the edifying of the body of Christ. These writings, insofar as they are guided by the Holy Spirit, are given by God with the intention that they be shared with the body at large for benefit and exhortation of many. Those who first receive and author them are not the end recipient, but are the Kingdom couriers entrusted with the very heart of God.

I encourage you to read Holy Exhortation slowly and prayerfully. Open your heart to the voice of God as you read, and let Him speak in the margins and between the pages. His words are of ultimate value, and this publication possesses value only insofar as He speaks to you through it.



By Jesse Arsenault

Your words stabilize me.

Your ways lead me.

Your thoughts inspire me.

Your touch softens me.

My insides come alive,

When You are around.

The evidence of Your nearness,

Is seen on my countenance.

Angels follow Your Light,

And hang off every command.

You calmly have a counter,

Before the enemy even attacks.

Your eyes are steady and warm.

The pace of Your walk,

Is perfect and in rhythm.

Your gaze of assignment,

Rallies Your people.


A Prayer of Gratitude

By Ethan Ferris

Thank You Jesus, for Your gentle whisper. Your guidance is true and Your reassurances bring hope. I am made light by Your presence. Your patience and kindness is astonishing. Your will is worth any trial.


Logos and Rhema

By Jesse Arsenault

Your word really is insulating me.

The beauty of what has, and what is coming off your lips is magnificent.

I love your thoughts and ways.

You are altogether lovely.

I am a sinful man in my unbelief. But, where do I go?

You carry the words unto Life Everlasting.


Continuous Seeking

By Ethan Ferris


I am here before You

Pull be closer, please

Your miracles are great

Your presence is sustaining me

To know You in the hidden place

Is my most fulfilling joy

Help me to cherish these moments, God

I do not want to lose them in the hustle

I am following You into the press

But I will not stop seeking You

In this holy of holies

Draw a veil over me God

Hide Your bride from lusting eyes

Yet reveal Your glory in me

Draw me into intimate communion

And teach me how You love


Red Pen

By Ethan Ferris

Everything You do is perfect. Every stroke of Your pen is a masterwork. You require no training, You do not succeed by trial and error.

You are so unlike us in this that it is hard to fathom. You have character that must be hard-won in man but is uncreated in You.

A part of me expects to find mistakes in Your work, and when I don’t see the whole picture, that part takes out its red pen. But in You, red ink is reserved for truth, not error.


The Perfect Word

By Ethan Ferris

God, I think I understand You more and more in these days You are leading me through. We wonder so often why You are silent on certain topics or at certain times. We suppose that if we just heard the right thing or knew some secret everything would be fixed. But I think that the truth You know is that often there is no right thing to say. You put so much time into orchestrating and patience into waiting for the right moment to say the right thing. You do not give Your words cheaply. You are great, God.

Your love that You’ve chosen is astonishing, captivating, and baffling. Your word is perfect.



By Ethan Ferris

Take me to a spiritual place, Jesus

Up to where You reside

So I might see as You see

Renew my mind

Draw me within the embrace of your heart

I am hungry, I am thirsty

I desire to lay down my burdens

Would you lighten my loan, Jesus?


In Body, but Not in Spirit

By Ethan Ferris

A time is coming,” says the LORD, “when I will punish all those who are circumcised in body but not in spirit…” Jeremiah 10:25

You sing to God, but you won’t work to Him.

You pray with your mouth, but not your heart.

You read the word, but won’t receive it.

You fellowship with the church, but not with God.

You serve food to the poor, but dishonor them in your heart.

You shut your eyes against lust, but your imagination runs wild.

You forgive one to their face, but curse them in private.

You have patience for strangers, but not for your spouse and children.

You deny the body, but indulge the mind.

You are eager to teach, but too proud to learn.

You set yourself against sin, but fight with your neighbor.

You honor a pastor, but dishonor a king.

You praise God, but you have no joy.

You bandage a wound, but turn from true healing.

You thank God, but won’t suffer with Him.

You ask for judgment, but not mercy.

You preach, but you will not minister.

You declare your contentment, but you pray for riches.

You seek eternity, but demand a calling.

You pray for peace, but cannot stop striving.

You marvel at angels, but shut your doors.

You exalt God, but shun the carpenter.

You build for God, but sign your own name.

You put on clean garments, but not the mind of Christ.

You take bread and wine, but not flesh and blood.

You control what you eat, but not what you say.

You invite examination, but prefer privacy.

You deny your flesh, but spoil your soul.

You seek God, but pursue prophets.

You desire the word, but despise the silence.

You run from Egypt, but despise the wilderness.


As You Love Me

By Ethan Ferris

God, You have loved me with patience and mercy

And You have asked me to love as You love me

You invited me into Your house, and did not chastise me when I dirtied it

You chose to honor me before men when I embarrassed and misrepresented You to them

You loved me much, much, much more than You hated my sin

You died to love me first, and waited patiently for my invitation

You celebrated my victories instead of criticizing my mistakes

In my reluctance, You met me in passionate intimacy

You suffered my imperfections in silence, guarding my against shame and condemnation

Jesus, You married me at my messy, confused yes and have contended for me every day since

God, You have loved me with patience and mercy

And You have asked me to love as You love me


The intention of this publication is to provide an opportunity to obey the commission of God in Romans 12:4-6, 1 Corinthians 12:7 and Ephesians 4:11. Further, it is not to do this just for me, but for many to whom God has entrusted fragments of His divine creativity. Any person may submit material to be potentially published in Holy Exhortation with full credit. 

Submissions may be made by email to

An important point about submissions; I will make the final, prayerful decision about what is published. Not everything that is submitted will be published, but everything that is submitted will be prayerfully considered for publication.

If I do decide to publish a piece, be it my own or someone else’s, it is not a final judgment on that piece as ‘good’ or ‘from God’. It merely states that when I inquired of God as to whether He wished it to be published at this time and in this manner, I believe to have heard Him say, ‘Yes.’

Similarly, if I decide not to publish a piece, it is not a final judgment on that piece as ‘bad’ or ‘not from God’. It merely states that when I inquired of God as to whether He wished it to be published at this time and in this manner, I believe to have heard Him say, ‘No.’

With that said, I look forward to reading what God has inspired in you, and I pray that you have been edified by this volume. May you be filled with the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Chris.

  • Ethan B. Ferris


"I also withheld rain from you,

When there were still three months to the harvest.

I made it rain on one city,

I withheld rain from another city.

One part was rained upon,

And where it did not rain the part withered."

Amos 4:7


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